Sunday, March 28, 2010
The Journey.......
Posted by mymalaysia | at 7:00 AM | 0 commentsSaturday, March 27, 2010
Posted by mymalaysia | at 6:46 AM | 0 commentsFriday, March 26, 2010
Economy Malaysia
Posted by mymalaysia | at 7:22 AM | 0 commentsWednesday, March 24, 2010
Malaysian Festivals
Posted by mymalaysia | at 6:52 AM | 0 commentsTuesday, March 23, 2010
Tourism in Malaysia
Posted by mymalaysia | at 6:49 AM | 0 commentsLying just north of the equator, Malaysia is located at the south of Cambodia and Vietnam and north of Singapore and Indonesia. More than one thousand islands are part of Malaysia with some 38 designated as marine parks. Parts of the primeval rainforest are more than 100 million years old with a dazzling selection of birds and wildlife. Malaysia has superb golden beaches, lush vegetation, mountains and fabulous shopping allied to some magnificent hotels. This has made the country the fastest growing destination in South East Asia. The mix of the ancient and the ultra-modern make Malaysia a fascinating place to visit, while the low cost of living and huge visitor choice makes it an ideal holiday location.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Education in Malaysia
Posted by mymalaysia | at 4:46 AM | 0 commentsReligious education is found under the rubric "moral education," which allows for religious instruction without offending any specific ethnic group. Bahasa Malaysia and English are compulsory subjects, with the latter recently receiving increasing attention. The other subjects taken at the secondary level depend on what options are chosen in addition to the usual required academic subjects commercial studies, home science, agricultural science, and industrial arts.
Friday, February 26, 2010
The independence of Malaya does not relief the Prime Minister Tunku Abdul

Sunday, February 21, 2010
Colonial Malaysia
Posted by mymalaysia | at 3:51 PM | 0 commentsMalaya is the name give to peninsula by British when they coupled w

Friday, February 19, 2010
Colonial Malaysia
Posted by mymalaysia | at 5:20 PM | 0 commentsMonday, February 15, 2010
Colonial Malaysia
Posted by mymalaysia | at 10:12 AM | 0 commentsThursday, February 11, 2010
Colonial Malaysia
Posted by mymalaysia | at 8:16 AM | 0 comments
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Golden Age of Malacca
Posted by mymalaysia | at 11:18 AM | 0 comments
Golden Age of Malacca
Posted by mymalaysia | at 10:52 AM | 0 commentsThursday, January 28, 2010
Hindu Kingdoms
Posted by mymalaysia | at 3:10 PM | 0 commentsThe legend says that the Indians were the first to lured to the peninsula and they arrived in

Monday, January 25, 2010
Ancient Malaysia
Posted by mymalaysia | at 10:55 AM | 0 commentsIn Malaysia, the oldest skull that ever been found was dated from 35,00years before Christ at Niah Caves in Sarawak. Stone age tools and implements that dates from 10,000 BC have been found on the peninsula, and some archeologists imply that they were left by the Negrito aborigines the predecessors. About 2,500 years before Christ, a group of farmers and seafareres from China called Proto-Malays migrated to peninsula with much more advance in technology. They forced the Negritos into the hills and jungles. In the cultural evolution, another group called Deutero-Malays were created, they were combination of Indians, Chinese, Siamese, Arabs and Proto-Malays. The Deutero-Malays formed the group called Malays by combined with the Indonesian.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Stripes of Glory...
Posted by mymalaysia | at 9:18 AM | 0 comments
Tanah tumpahnya darahku,
Rakyat hidup
bersatu dan maju,
Rahmat bahagia
Tuhan kurniakan,
Raja kita
selamat bertakhta,
Rahmat bahagia
Tuhan kurniakan,
Raja kita
selamat bertakhta.
Flag anthem (Stripes of Glory)
The Jalur Gemilang flag anthem was introduced in 2000. The songs and lyrics were written by Pak Ngah. Pak Ngah is one of the famous malay lyric writers in Malaysia. This song is written especially for the Malaysian people and the main reason or message delivered by this song is to strengthen their tie in relationship.
Merah membara semangat waja
Putihmu bersih budi pekerti
Kuning berdaulat payung negara
Biru perpaduan kami semua
Puncak dunia telah kau tawan
Lautan luas telah kau redah
Membawa semangat jiwa Merdeka
Semarak jaya kami warganya
Empat belas melintang jalurnya
Semua negeri dalam Malaysia
Satu suara satu semangat
Itu sumpah warga berdaulat
Jalur Gemilang di bawah naunganmu
Jalur Gemilang kami semua bersatu
Perpaduan kedaulatan
Amalan murni rakyat Malaysia
Jalur Gemilang megah kami terasa
Jalur Gemilang kibarkanlah wawasan
Merah, putih, biru, kuning
Jalur semangat kami semua (2x)
Berkibarlah, berkibarlah, berkibarlah
Jalur Gemilang!
Your Red represents steely will
Your White represents clean and kind character
Yellow of the Sovereign, the country's protector
Blue for all of us in unity
You have reached the heights of the world
You have traveled the wide waters
Bearing the spirit of Merdeka ('independence')
We are members of its successful will
Fourteen stripes across
For each of the states of Malaysia
One voice, one spirit
So its sovereign citizens solemnly swear
Jalur Gemilang, beneath your care
Jalur Gemilang, we unite
Sovereign unity
Malaysian citizens' good charity
Jalur Gemilang, how proud we feel
Jalur Gemilang, proclaim our vision
Red, white, blue, yellow
Are the stripes of our resolve (2x)
Flutter-on, flutter-on, flutter-on
Jalur Gemilang!